The industry has been starving for excellent Eye Protection whether against normal and high-speed particles or Chemical Splash or even Molten Metal and this is now compounded with the Covid19 Pandemic which has engulfed the world and lives have been lost as if it’s nobody’s business.

As the Pandemic is far from being controlled, WHO has advised all, whether Medics or Common Men to protect their Eyes as that’s the only thing you can’t keep shut and need to keep it open when you are working or when you are awake. Rest virus entry points can be covered or shut.

Chemisplash Goggles are the answer to such a requirement as you can continue to work with your Eyes Wide open and still stay protected. They are light in weight, cover your complete Eyes, Eyebrow downwards and can be adjusted to be Snug fit so chance of any airborne particles to enter your eyes and being indirectly vented usher in fresh air so that you are comfortable in working for long hours.


  • #Industries
  • #Offices
  • #Hospitals and Medics
  • #Laboratories and Clean Rooms
  • #Shopping Malls
  • #Airlines
  • #Cargo Movers
  • #Security Services
  • #Defense and Police
  • #People in Public Dealing areas
  • #Even small Shops or Vegetable markets and vendors
  • #Hair Salons and Beauty Parlours

Like Face Masks it should be made statutory to wear Chemisplash in all Industries for Industrial workers and all and sundry who are in Public dealing and Medical service areas.

Summarising it is the Protection of lives which counts and it is to be ensured that the right PPEs are used both by Industry and the Medical Fraternity if we need to maintain good health and be safe either while working in the Industry or Corporate or dealing with Pandemics. Eyes are forever the best bet for all to see the wonders of nature and if left unprotected can cause severe health problems as we see from above.

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